“Eating is an Agricultural Act?” The Ethics of Food and Eating
This project made me realize where my food really comes from. I knew my meat came from farms but I didn't know how bad they really were. I didn't know how bad the factory farming was for us, the animals, the water, or the environment. I also didn't know the amount of waste they produce and how much of the meat we actually waste a year. This has made me change the food I eat because I don't want to support these factory farms. I also learned how we modify out vegtibles to grow faster then they ushally do. This is a major thing with corn becuse as a county we grow the most corn in the world.
Learning about food in both humanities and chemisty made me think about food in diffrent ways. humanities made me think about the morals and ethics of what I am eating and they ways I am getting the food I have, while chemisty made me think about what is happing to the food while it is cooking and what it happing to the moloculs. I think this woll forever change the way I look at food becuse I know where It came from and I know what is happing to the food while its cooking. For exsaple I know becuse the cow didnt move around alot in the factory farm the ceat will be more tender so when its cooking it doesnt have to losen the fibers as much as if the cow was ver active.
This will change the way I think about food becuse I will no longer eat at places that get food divrely from factory farms. I try my best to not go to fast food places becuse I know they get all of their meat from factory farms. It also makes me feel alot better about the local farms becuse they let their animals froam free and live happy lives. I makes me want to support these places and try to eat all organic. I will try to only eat meat from places that are grass fed and let their animals roam free.
Learning about food in both humanities and chemisty made me think about food in diffrent ways. humanities made me think about the morals and ethics of what I am eating and they ways I am getting the food I have, while chemisty made me think about what is happing to the food while it is cooking and what it happing to the moloculs. I think this woll forever change the way I look at food becuse I know where It came from and I know what is happing to the food while its cooking. For exsaple I know becuse the cow didnt move around alot in the factory farm the ceat will be more tender so when its cooking it doesnt have to losen the fibers as much as if the cow was ver active.
This will change the way I think about food becuse I will no longer eat at places that get food divrely from factory farms. I try my best to not go to fast food places becuse I know they get all of their meat from factory farms. It also makes me feel alot better about the local farms becuse they let their animals froam free and live happy lives. I makes me want to support these places and try to eat all organic. I will try to only eat meat from places that are grass fed and let their animals roam free.
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Labor project
From the start we knew we would be doing a podcast but before we did anything with that we had to do a lot of historical context. We started by looking into the industrial revolution and how that changed everything and made it into what we know. Than we looked at further of jobs and how they might change and if the technological advancements and how these might change the future of the work force. We looked into automation and how that affected jobs in the past and how it is changing and how it will change. After this we did a in class timed writing that had to be at least 4 paragraphs and we had 1.5 hrs to do in class. This writing was about the things we learned about in class. After this we did the podcast, the podcast had to be about any topic that had to do with the future of the work. My group chose the topic Is Education Preparing Us For The Future. We focused on the education system and what we think jobs will look like in the future and how education is helping prepare us.
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What was the greatest challenge you faced in the project and what did you do to overcome that challenge?
I think our greatest challenge during the project was getting off task. My group was jake and colton who are two of my friends so it really easy to get off task and have fun with them. Some days we would get a lot of work done and be on task for most of the day. While other days we would be off task for 90% of the day and get a little bit of work done in class. We overcame this by making sure we had a 10 or 15 minute break each day where we could have time to talk and mess around.
If you could go back and do the project again what would you do differently and why?
If I could go back and do the project over again I would redo some of the recordings. When we did the final listen through there were times when I sounded really sarcastic and it messed up the tone for parts of the podcast. There were also parts where the volume of people talking was really loud and made it hard to listen to.
What is the greatest insight you gained about the state of labor issues today? Think back through the entire project, historical context, the presentations, globalization, and your podcast production.
I think the most impactful thing I learned about the labor issues that are happening and that are going to happen is automation is closer to taking over than most of us realized. When automation happens and takes jobs it will take over the repetitive “easy” jobs. Jobs like taxi drivers, barista, fast food workers, and many many more. This means there will be a high number of people that are jobless and need work. When people are jobless and don't have a steady way to make money people get desperate and that's when crime rises.
What are you most proud of in your project? This could be something very small and not visible to me or the audience. Help me understand why you are so proud of this piece.
I am most proud of the editing in the podcast. The raw audio of the interviews is very choppy and spread out. We tried to make it so the interviews flowed together and sounded natural. I think we achieved this and we think it makes the podcast better to listen too.
Explain 1 way you grew as a student during this project. It is not when we are comfortable and know how to do a task that we grow, it is often when we are the most challenged or have struggled through something that we grow. So what will you be better at now?
I grew as a group worker. I like and prefer to work in a group rather than work solo but when I am in a group I like to mess around and sometimes take the least amount of work that I can do. For this project I went tinto it wanted to change the way I work, I wanted to take more work than I would usually take and I wanted to make sure I kept the messing around to a minimum. This worked, one of the first thing that we did was install a plan the keep all the messing around down. This made it so we had a good amount of time to work and kept us all on task.