mask reflection
We started the Mask Project a mouth or so into the school year. Our task was to make a mask that had things that we were hiding or things that other people were hiding. We also had to write a mask essay on anything that we wanted that had to to with the topic. To get prepared for this project we Watched a lot of videos about Stereotypes, Gender Roles, and the things that people hide when they are around certain people. I thought that the flow of the project and the majority of this class was good. It was good at the beginning of the year and then Stephen left on a trip to India and Jarid came in to Substitute and he started to use Sharas way of teaching which is very different from Stephens and it made the project difficult.
In this project I think that the whole class had to be a flexible, the reason I say that is because when jarid came in as a substitute the whole teaching style that we were getting used to changed. We started to have a more traditional style and it made the whole semester feel a little weird. One area that I grew as a learner was in my writing, I grew by leaning what a TEA paragraph was and how to write about controversial things and not offend anyone. I showed a little advocacy this project, I definitely could have showed more, but when I did I feel like I really needed help. I showed advocacy when I was writing my Mask essay, I was stuck and I couldn't figure out what to write about so I started to ask some of my peers and they gave me some Ideas and I started to write about all of them. I think I persevered in this project a lot, two days before the we had to turn in our masks I looked over at the table where are kept all of our masks and mine was gone so I took a mask with no name and that had no paint on it and I took it home and did it in two days so I couldn't refine it as much as I would have liked to. I think I could have refined a lot of my work in this project. The main one that I could have done was my mask because I only had two days to do it I couldn't refine it was much as I would have liked to and I don't really like the way it turned out.
I grew a lot personally and as a learner this project. As a learner I grew by learning what A TEA paragraph is and how to write about some controversial things without offending a lot of people. I think I grew more personally than I did as a learner. I grew by being able to reflect on the way I act around people and the things that I say or do can affect people around me. I also learned about all of the people that cover up some things about themselves because they are afraid to or self contuse about them self.
In this project I think that the whole class had to be a flexible, the reason I say that is because when jarid came in as a substitute the whole teaching style that we were getting used to changed. We started to have a more traditional style and it made the whole semester feel a little weird. One area that I grew as a learner was in my writing, I grew by leaning what a TEA paragraph was and how to write about controversial things and not offend anyone. I showed a little advocacy this project, I definitely could have showed more, but when I did I feel like I really needed help. I showed advocacy when I was writing my Mask essay, I was stuck and I couldn't figure out what to write about so I started to ask some of my peers and they gave me some Ideas and I started to write about all of them. I think I persevered in this project a lot, two days before the we had to turn in our masks I looked over at the table where are kept all of our masks and mine was gone so I took a mask with no name and that had no paint on it and I took it home and did it in two days so I couldn't refine it as much as I would have liked to. I think I could have refined a lot of my work in this project. The main one that I could have done was my mask because I only had two days to do it I couldn't refine it was much as I would have liked to and I don't really like the way it turned out.
I grew a lot personally and as a learner this project. As a learner I grew by learning what A TEA paragraph is and how to write about some controversial things without offending a lot of people. I think I grew more personally than I did as a learner. I grew by being able to reflect on the way I act around people and the things that I say or do can affect people around me. I also learned about all of the people that cover up some things about themselves because they are afraid to or self contuse about them self.
Mask essay